A Message from Mark Gregory

22nd March 2025 Off By bartontown

As most of you will be aware I am standing down as Club Chairman at the end of this season, so the Tadcaster Albion match was my last home First Team game in that role. It’s been a roller-coaster ride since I was invited to head up the club in 2015 and a huge amount has happened in that time.

Although having been a sponsor of the club for some while, I was surprised to be invited to take up the position of Chairman, but I soon realised that my business experience, knowledge and contacts could be put to use at the club, and their plans for the future, and although my thoughts were for a five year spell that soon extended to nine years. In that time we’ve all seen a number of changes both on and off the pitch, and I’m proud to have been part of getting club to where it is today.

Highlights for me have been winning the NCEL League Cup in 2022; a great night out for players, management and supporters at Doncaster Rover’s Eco-Power home ground. With the use of an executive coach from our sponsor, Wren Kitchens, we enjoyed the full “professional” football team experience and brought back silverware to the EasyBuy Stadium after a hard fought match.

Speaking of the Easy Stadium, we made a major improvement to the facilities by creation of a new entrance off Falkland Way which I’m sure our neighbours on Marsh Lane were very pleased to see come to fruition. It was a hugely expensive and time consuming undertaking but has proved to be a massive enhancement to the facilities.

We also made a major investment in the Snack Bar bringing the catering equipment up to date so we can provide hot and cold food and drinks to hungry, thirsty fans on matchdays, and post-match food to home and visiting players. That also allowed us to improve the bar area and host other revenue generating events.

On the football front, we have created the Swans Academy and under it’s “umbrella”, we have teams covering all age groups from under 7 to under 18 that provide a pathway for very young players right up to the Reserves and First Team squads that were the mainstay of the club when I joined.

We’ve also introduced a Women’s Team who have become established in the last couple of seasons and have formed a strong platform for future seasons.

Ongoing investment should see the installation of a new drainage system – hopefully this summer – to minimise the problems we have had during the winter months with a waterlogged pitch after heavy rain. Of course, this winter we have been very fortunate with the weather and with our hard working groundsman keeping the pitch in the best possible condition we have had minimal disruption.

Lowest point by far was the news of the tragic and senseless death of James Hitchcock in December. The shock of this was felt by everyone connected with the club and the wider football community, and became national news. Words are inadequate to express my emotions and James remains in our thoughts at every game.

In closing I’d like to mention a few people that have supported me during my period as Chairman; firstly my partner Sophia, without her support and understanding I would not have been able to do half the things I have achieved at the club; Club Secretary Peter Mitchell who works every day behind the scenes doing all the jobs no-one else will do and is “Mr Barton Town FC”; Ian Durnian who looks after the maintenance around the ground; both have many years of experience at Barton Town and their assistance and advice has been invaluable.

Also Kim and Rachel Mumford; Kim served several seasons as Vice Chairman and Rachel is the Club Business Administrator – and keeps me in check when I think about spending money!
And fellow directors during my tenure… Lynn Green, who is both our Club Welfare Officer and Director of Women and Girl’s Football, and the media guys, Aaron Irwin and Trevor Richens.

Thanks also to Paul Roberts and his Academy team managers and coaches who are together nurturing and building the future players of Barton Town.

Home and away games have had Richard Watts and Aaron Walton promoting the club further afield with their live matchday commentary so even if you can’t get to a game you can listen in and not miss out.

It goes without saying that any on-pitch action actually requires a pitch to be available and we have been fortunate to have had the services of Paul Coult who has been at the ground cutting the grass, white line marking, and keeping the pitch in excellent condition,.

Of course, I must not forget the managers, their assistants and coaches, and the players who have over the seasons been responsible for the exhilaration when we win… and the frustration when we lose; the emotional swings that are part of this great game we simply call “football”.

Finally, but perhaps most importantly, I thank all the club supporters that have turned out come rain, come sun – and cold! – which has made all the work that myself and our small team of volunteers have done to get the games on worthwhile.

For the future… UP THE SWANS!