BIFC Coach Interviews – Chris Newby
25th November 2022 Off By bartontownThis week, Club Media Officer Amy Blinkhorn sat down for an in-depth chat with BIFC – Hull U12’s and U16’s coach Chris, here’s the best bits…
Amy asked Chris how much he was loving life as a volunteer: “After a monotonous week at work sitting in an office, I really look forward to ‘football Fridays’. Starting the U12’s was Jo’s idea, to create a pathway, so children could access inclusive football from primary school through to adulthood. She convinced me this would be my niche role, as a foster carer I work with young children already. These players are a pleasure to be around, and the sessions are so much fun, siblings are begging to join in. Getting out in the fresh air for a training session with the great group of youths, the U16 team, ends my week on a high. Over the last six months watching their football develop and friendships blossom has been brilliant to be a part of.”

Amy congratulated Chris on achieving promotion to the U16’s Premiership, after just one set of fixtures, and was keen to find out about life in the highest division: “Our first game in the premiership was a baptism of fire. The weather was awful and as a team we just never really got going. Credit to the players though, they carried on giving their all despite the score and never let their heads drop. Win or lose, no matter where we finish, I’m excited for the future, to see the team tested in the premiership and bringing their best game to the challenges ahead.”

Amy was keen to find out about Chris’ coaching team and asked how important assistant coach Heather is to the team’s progression: “Behind any manager who has had any success, there is always a fantastic assistant and Heather is exactly that. She is a vital cog in the U16 mechanism. She is super committed, nothing is ever too much trouble, she steps up to do anything she is asked, even if it’s giving up a weekday evening to plan training and she has never missed a match. The bottom line is never underestimate the importance of a brilliant assistant and if/when you get one cherish them – I’m so lucky to have found mine.”

Chris also spoke to Amy about his UEFA C coaching course and how well he’s managing the extra commitment: “Whilst doing my UEFA C, I’ve not found it too difficult combining that and coaching. The main thing is having to document the training sessions, it’s easy to write about the players development because they shine brighter as each week passes. The difficult part of the course is section of self-review. I’ve never been the sort of person who reflects on their own practice positively but seeing my sessions go well and players develop skill means I must be doing something right.”

As their exciting conversation drew to a close, Amy was keen to understand more about the volunteer team at BIFC and how this supports Chris and Heather as coaches:
“Other volunteers Daisy, Tilly and Kasper are on hand to support players with individual needs during drills, they always act with professionalism and are brilliant advocates for the club. I know the players are extremely fond of all three of them and love the enthusiasm they bring to every session.
I can see future coaches in these dedicated selfless young people.
Jo is my main backroom support, and she is the driving force behind the day to day running of all the BIFC – Hull teams. She has just added to her multi-faceted role by doing additional training to take on the Wellness Champion role. She has also signed up for her first coaching course. I never have to worry about subs, kit, venue booking, equipment etc. I know she takes care of all the little details like that. She deals with trophies, transport, recruitment and social media and steps in to write match reports if needed. She even ensures everyone gets a birthday card and Christmas gift.
The support from the committee is invaluable, we can call upon Sophie Bartup the Chairperson and Lynn Green as Club Welfare Officer for anything that is out of mine and Jo’s role. I know these three ladies are always in communication and are expertly dealing with all the off-pitch planning, policies and procedures.”

A fascinating chat to start our Coach Interview Series with Chris, who we wish good luck on Sunday 4th December in the team’s next league day. It’s abundantly clear to see and feel Chris’ passion and dedication for his team, player’s and their football journeys. We hope you enjoyed reading about the success of the club’s U12’s and U16’s teams. We will be back next week, where Amy will sit down with Barton Athletic FC manager Richard Day.